Tuesday, 24 February 2015

National Tortilla Chip Day - February 24th

The blog regeneration is happening... I'm changing course slightly and will be featured items from UK and European Etsy shops. I'll be using the 'national day' concept for sourcing items and will throw in some favourites too, if you have a 'theme' you'd like covering, let me know!

So, today (24th Feb) is National Tortilla Chip Day... but we call them 'Nachos' in the UK. Here's some Tortilla (Nacho) themed items from Etsy!

Funny Valentine's Card from Loteria Design

Vintage Handpainted plate from My Mimosa Vintage

Tapas 8" print from Juanjez


Jilly said...

Great idea Laura. How do you know what the national day is?

Steph said...

Well you learn something new every day!